Our mission Provide everyone with access to conservation
The fight against climate change is a crusade in which all of us are called to contribute according to our resources and contexts. Our mission as The Real Eco State is to provide everyone with access to private conservation through those who are interested in collaborating with nature and want to be a part of this ecological feat.
It is no longer necessary to be a multimillionaire or a philanthropic tycoon to own a Private Conservation Park in Chilean Patagonia. Today, all of us who love nature can make this dream come true anywhere in the world through a legal tool called the Conservation Easement. Conservation Easement
Being the pioneers in the sale of land under the Conservation Easement to protect nature has meant a true revolution in the world of conservation, breaking down the paradigm of having large economic resources or creating foundations to preserve our biodiversity. The Real Eco State allows any private individual to participate in this noble cause, turning investors into both owners and conservationists at the same time.
We seek to inspire others to follow the path of conservation, respect, sustainability, and commitment to the environment to reconnect people with nature and generate a sustainable and prosperous coexistence. Although we know this is an ambitious goal that requires us to be innovative and break down paradigms, it doesn’t make us feel scared, on the contrary, we have already created and run a business model that is both profitable and beneficial for the planet, therefore we will certainly do it again when necessary to protect the ecosystems of our Patagonia and conserve its nature.
And you, what are you waiting to become an eco citizen?

All our projects form a network of private ecological conservation parks protected through the Conservation Easement , guaranteeing their protection and sustainability for future generations.