The Real Eco State | Invest and take care of nature

The global real estate platform for virgin wildlands

Our mission is to bring conservation to everyone

Generate wealth while neutralizing your carbon footprint

We sell Private Wildlands Reserves for conservation to combating climate-change


Eco citizens


Conserved acres

What we do

The Real Eco State is working to conserve the planet’s forests and carbon sinks through private investment in tangible wildland assets. As part of the effort to combat climate change, we have over the last 5 years offered conservationists and investors the opportunity to own and conserve a piece of the Chilean Patagonia. The success we have achieved to date has prompted us to rebrand and offer the world-at-large an opportunity to help conserve one of the world’s most important rainforests forests and carbon sinks through private investment. In Patagonia, structure our products with Conservation Easement in perpetuity, work with scientific organizations to deliver carbon data and quantify the impact of our clients’ investments, and work with local communities to generate value-added social outcomes.

We aim to be part of the solution. We offer solutions to individuals looking for a tangible opportunity to conserve native forests. We are a solution for enterprises and ventures looking for green investments. We hope to be a solution for future generations.


Conservation is a goal, not only our goal, but that of many concerned human beings. Treaties have been signed, sovereigns and international organizations have allocated resources to push both public and private sectors to act, financial instruments, like carbon credits, have been engineered, universities have hosted scientific forums, and local foundations and communities have been on the ground. We join the fight against climate change with a new tool leveraged on the key principles of private investment and property rights. The Chilean Patagonia has one of the largest areas of pristine forest cover in the southern cone of South America and one of the most efficient carbon sinks in the world. Its native vegetation, which consists of forests, shrublands, and steppes is capable of capturing 111.8 tons of carbon per hectare, on average. Our aim is to find investors to ensure these lands are conserved in perpetuity and valued at the market value of the services they provide to all of humanity. It is time to value and invest in conservation.


All our projects form a network of private ecological conservation parks protected through the Conservation Easement , guaranteeing their protection and sustainability for future generations.


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